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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Walking in the flesh

One of the expressions that we have in the kingdom of God is that many times we find ourselves, "walking in the flesh."

That means that we are not walking according to the spirit - but we are walking in carnality, depending solely and only on the flesh.  People who walk in the flesh can face one issue that challenges every church in America:  "Who is going to be in control?"

More harm has been done to God's kingdom by those who are walking in the flesh, seeking only to be in control and guard the control that they have.

Here are ways that I see people "walking in the flesh" in God's kingdom.

They refuse to admit guilt or wrong.  They will say something like, "I am sorry that your feelings were hurt," rather than owning up to their sin.

The use people to accomplish their own agenda.  In other words they let others do their own dirty work.  They get another person's emotions stirred up and then let that person go into a rage.  Than they sit back and look innocent, saying, "Who me?  What did I do?"

They withhold information.  They love to know that they have information that you don't have.  In their eyes, it is a powerful weapon of control - especially as they don't "name names".

They volunteer for anything.  Which is great, but these people walk in the flesh by volunteering in order to establish control.  Their inner motives are never pure and they serve with secret agendas.

They lie.

They will ignore you.  A controlling, fleshly Christian will be one who will ignore you if you disagree with them.  They will isolate you and choose not to speak with you.  Sometimes this will go on for months.

They will never show gratitude.  They will never give credit where credit is due.  They just can't bring themselves to say thank you or to acknowledge that someone else did something right.

They criticize everyone.  They want to look good so desperately that they will sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan.  And here is the deal:  they may even like the plan, but they will only criticize it because the idea did not originate with them. 

They love to sequester information.  Again by not "naming names."  If there is ever a situation where information is important, they will push to be the "first" to know it.  They seem to know everything about everyone. 

They use information as leverage for power by sharing little tidbits here and there, often under the guise of saying something "in confidence." 

They are pushy and domineering.  They have to have their own way.

They blindside people.  They use the element of surprise to catch you off guard. 

They show seeds of discord.  If Bill has a problem with Sam and Bill has a problem with Joe and Bill has a problem with Harry, than who is the problem?  Bill. 

They are vengeful.  They can never let go of a hurt or wrong.  This kind of person is never wrong in their own eyes, and if you contradict or confront them, get ready to become their worst enemy.

As long as you are in agreement with them, all is good.  But if you confront or challenge them, look out.  You will be the target of their fiercest venom.

Do you recognize these kinds of symptoms in the lives of those around you?  Pray.  And keep on pray.  And love.  And keep on loving.

This kind of fleshly controlling spirit can only be dealt with, "in the spirit" and hardly ever with logic or common sense. 

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