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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The smell of criticism

One of the pastimes that Christians have is the act of criticism.

Many enjoy the wonderment of being able to judge others like they do a good steak.  Or a bowl of ice cream on a hot day.

We know that we shouldn't - but it feels "so good."

I read something today from Pastor Tony Evans that made me stop and pause - and I hope the same for you.

He writes:

"When my kids were small, I took them to the Fort Worth Stock Show.  This is a place where once a year various livestock are put on display.  Now, I'm no Farmer Brown, but looking at the animals was fun for the kids, so I took them.

But, it smells out there.  It stinks really bad.  There are all these animals and they could only be kept so clean.  It wasn't long after we got there that I was ready to go.  My kids begged me to stay a little bit longer, but after awhile, I couldn't take the smell anymore.  I had to get out of there!

I gathered everyone up and we made our way to the car.  It was still stinky.  We got in the car and made sure the windows were all up so we could escape the smell.  It was still stinky!  We got halfway home.  It was still stinky.

Finally, we pulled up at our house.  The sink that was at the Fort Worth Stock Show was in the house.  How could it be stinking in Dallas when the problem was in Fort Worth? 

Well, I had somehow gotten the problem on my shoes."

And then Pastor Evans goes on to write, "Well, I had somehow gotten the problem on my shoes.  It is easy to analyze everybody else, but you may actually be smelling yourself."

Generally speaking, we criticize people in the areas that we deal with - within ourselves.

Perhaps, just perhaps, as you criticize others, it is your own stink that smells.

Just a thought for a Thursday.

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