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Monday, September 30, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and God asks, "Won't you be mine."  :)

I really enjoyed attending the Chicago Christian Homecoming football game last Friday evening.  Great to see some of our Stone Church students who go there.

A great reminder of how much fun high school football is to watch.

Many, many thanks to Rick Heise, Don Janis, Vic Nutter, John Goddard and Frank Wolf who came out to help us with our Stone Church work day!  Thank you men for giving of your time!

The outside windows look great!

To all of my Chicago Bears friends (fans).  The grieving process is:  Denial, anger, depression, bargaining and then acceptance.  My condolences on their loss (of course the Dallas Cowboys also lost).

It was fun to watch all of the married couples who renewed their vows yesterday at the end of the teaching in both services.

You can have a marriage that last over the long haul!

Here's what I know:  Every marriage can be better.

Every marriage.

No marriage is perfect.

How can a marriage be perfect when it has two imperfect people in relationship?

With these beautiful fall days, I encourage you to take a walk this evening(if possible) and spend some time with God.

Principle:  When I try to control everything in my life - it will lead to a life of frustration and fear.

You and I can't control most of life - only God can.

Don't be caught up in trying to control your spouse, your children, your parents, your co-workers, or someone here at the church.

If you do - it will drive you batty.

We are responsible to people not for them.

October is going to be a great month at Stone Church!

Love you all....

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