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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Turning your pain into something good

Helen Keller once said that "as long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain."

Many times we find ourselves living in the "in-between time" of walking into a crisis and that crisis not being resolved.

It is a season of stress, worry, fear, depression and emotional or even physical pain.

We are waiting for God to alleviate our hurt.

It's in those "in-between" times that we suffer.  We hurt.  We go so far as to wonder if "God is there" or if "God really cares."

I get that - and have felt the same way at different times in my life.

One of the ways, I would suggest, to bring a redemptive quality to your suffering and pain is to reach out to those around you who are also hurting.

I have found that when I am walking through a difficult season (that in-between time when God has no yet relieved my suffering) it really does help to help others.

Almost always, when I hurt, God will allow me the privilege of visiting someone in the hospital, or counseling someone who is in pain.

And as I reach out, that it turn helps me deal with my own pain and suffering.

I realize that I am not the only one with a problem.

I realize that God can and does work through me to help others who hurt as well.

So, the challenge is this today.  While you are waiting for God to meet your own needs, reach out and minister and send love and help others who are hurting as well.

In that way, purpose is given to what you are going through.

Just a thought for a Thursday.

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