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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Patience - fruit of the spirit

I voted yesterday. So did a lot of people. Apparently, I went at the same time as many others. The line was all the way out the door.

The fruit of the spirit of patience was called into question.

I said nothing.

But, as per my personality, I was standing there thinking of ten different ways we could have voted more efficiciently.

Am I the only one who has thought of the idea of having touch-screen computers set up where all you have to do it to touch the screen to vote for the candidate of your choice?

And isn't there a better way to sign in than having three older ladies (who were voluntering - God bless em) there (who are in all their glory - I overheard one lady say, "I better quit talking and start working - oh really?)to sign us in?

The lady at the end reminded me of my 3rd grade writing teacher. It took her "forever" to write my name.....

Come on America, let's change the way we vote...enough of this stuff....

If you have read this entirely, thanks for listening.....

1 comment:

Jon said...

After a number of voting experiences, I have learned to time my voting attempts. There are times of the day that are just not going to be very quick, i.e. 7:30-9:00 in the morning, 11:30-1:00 in the afternoon, and anytime after 4:30pm. That's when everyone tries to get in the door. I've tried being there an hour early (6am) but find that I then have to wait while everything is organized, though it was fairly quick after that. I've tried going during lunch (never again as I never got lunch) and I've tried going after work...hours of standing in line and shuffling my feet. Ten in the morning seems to work okay and so does three in the afternoon; I was in and out in under 10 minutes yesterday afternoon. I'm not gloating, George, just recounting my experience...and they did have one touch screen booth that they were experimenting with--I voted the usual way.

I find that if I spend my time in line talking to people, we all run out of things we're willing to talk definitely don't want to bring up the political issues while standing in a voting line! I spend time in line praying for those in need and those seeking office...sometimes, they're the same prayer. Taking a book has always seem to work, though standing and reading for an hour and a half was a trial for my feet, legs, and back. I did get most of the way through the book though.

I have an old adage that I use with my peers, employees, and kids; it's called the five P's: Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. If I don't plan ahead, I usually end up frustrated with the situation...whatever it may be.

I do agree with you, George, that there should be an easier way to vote in this 21st century. I know a number of states are trying a number of electronic measures and maybe that will spread across the nation as they prove to be worthwhile. Until then, it's good to know that we have the freedom to vote on the issues, the health to go vote, and an able mind to use in that voting. Those things are good to know but even better is knowing that I have a God who will grant me with the wisdom to know who is the best candidate and the who will provide me grace when I don't make the right choice.

I've been reading a lot of articles lately on America and whether or not it is a Christian country (or even if it ever was) and our role within it as followers of Christ. Interesting reading but the bottom line is to follow Christ...patriotism is fine but not at the expense of my relationship with Christ. I love my country (fault-filled though it is) but I love God more...and He's faultless.

Love God, love people. God bless.
