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Thursday, November 09, 2006

The importance of teamwork

The two most memorable plays Terrell Owens has made for the Dallas Cowboys are two he didn't make: a fourth-down drop that short circuited a rally against the New York Giants, and a deep, sure touchdown pass he dropped against Washington.

His most memorable touchdown celebration? A nap that cost 15 yards against the Redskins.

I just shake my head.

The question is: Is talent worth all the grief that he is giving the Cowboy organization? Would they have a record of 4-4 without him? Or would they be better?

How important is personality and chemistry to a team?

I think it is very, very important.

I would rather work with someone who gets along with everyone than with someone who was extremely gifted and couldn't get along with anyone.

More and more, when we look for new staff or ministry leaders, I am convinced that character is more important than natural talent and even spiritual giftedness.

I would rather have great chemistry (i.e. the Detroit Tigers), than great talent (i.e. the New York Yankees) any day.

My only guess is that winning is so important to Jerry Jones that he is willing to sacrifice integrity, teamwork and class to get it.

Come on, Jerry, trade him or release him. You might not make the playoffs anyway, so why not build a "team" instead of "group."

Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teamwork is underrated everywhere or so I have seen so far. I don't understand why. Working together as a team not only gets the job done earlier but also adds the element of socializing while working (imho). I would like to share an article on teamwork with you. I hope you find it as useful and informative that I did: