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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A right understanding of humility

We talk a lot in Christian life about not being full of pride. "Pride goes before the fall," the Bible states.

That is so true.

There is such a temptation to give in to feelings of superiority and pride as we walk with God - especially after a success, or a leap in our closeness with Him.

Yet the opposite of pride is self-rejection and feelings of inferiority.

I've heard others say, "If people really, really knew me, they wouldn't love," I know that is a brother or sister in Christ who is on the road to emotional and spiritual darkness.

There is a big, big difference between self-deprecation and humility.

Humility, if you look at it right, is the opposite of self-deprecation.

One author writes, "This is true humility: not thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less."

Humility is the grateful recognition that I am a child of God and that he has gifted me and that everything I have is a gift from Him.

It is, "making a right estimate" of myself as Confucius once said.

I am a child of God. I am worth something in His eyes. In Jesus Christ, I am somebody....And so are you!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Amen and Amen! Man, does this hit me close to home today! I struggle with this, and I struggle with people's perceptions of me on this issue. Where I am confident, people read that as arrogant; where I am happy and successful, people read that as prideful; where I am hoyful, people read that as rubbing their nose in it. I struggle, really struggle, with this issue. I know I am better than no other man or woman in this world: I'm just as sinful as anyone else. I know my success and my happiness come from God, not from anything that I do other than follow His guidance. I've walked the path away and know how cruel and disastrous it is...I only want to walk with Him now, rewards or no rewards--success or no success. My joy is in the Lord! I only pray that I can continue to grow in His light, in His way, in His Word, and in His love...and that I can lay this struggle down and just accept that God understands me even when others misunderstand me...and that He loves me even when others doubt me and speak against me. My God is greater than any man or majority!!! He is the eternal ruler and judge of all things. I rest in that today.