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Monday, December 19, 2005

Being God's glory

You can be God's glory.

Wow...What's that mean?

Well, let me give you a formula today. My spirit plus God's spirit, coming together, equals a "together" witness that I belong to God and I am a child of His.

Paul writes in Romans 8:16, "God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.

This confirmation touches every aspect of our lives. Paul says, "whatever you eat, then, or drink, and whatever else you do, do it all for the glory of God." Romans 10:31

That means that as I write this, I am doing it for the "glory of God." As I meet tonight with our leadership, we are doing it for "the glory of God."

When I live in constant communion and communication with God's Spirit, I can only be a witness, because wherever I go and whomever I meet, God's Spirit will show itself through me.

And God is glorified. May he be glorified today!

1 comment:

Jon said...

Amen. We were talking about this at work this morning, about how people should see God in you. It's not what you profess with your mouth (though it is important) but what people see in your actions that really tell the tale. God should be in all of our actions because He is the one we all love and adore...thus we should keep Him in front of us at all times. I fail at this at times, not so much now as I used to do but that's what growing in God is all about...each day, trying to be more Christlike in word and deed. I pray that God stays in the center of my life and continues to lead me where He will for His purpose. God's plan for me is greater than any plan I could dream for myself...I just have to believe that and claim His plan for my prosperity.

God is Good, all the time!! And His glory lights the universe!
