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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The leading of God

Here's what I know:

Normally God leads us a step at a time.

The Psalmist writes in Psalms 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

In Old Testament times, they didn't have flashlights on their IPhones, or high beams on their carts.

How did you get anywhere at night?

They had little oil lamps that they would actually strap to the top of their feet and light the lamps and they gave light as you walked in the dark.

As you took a step, that lamp lighted that step.  As you took the next step, that step was lit.  It was not a high beam that you could see a half mile down the road.  It was simply a step by step enlightenment.

It is the same with God's will.  God is not going to lay it all out and say this  is what's going to happen in your life over the next 20 years. 

To be candid with  you - that would blow your mind - and even keep you up at night!

God says, I reveal my will to you a step at a time, and my word will give light to your path.
My word to you today?  Relax knowing that it will all come together.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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