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Monday, April 22, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

I love the seasons - winter, spring, summer and fall.

I am really ready for spring and summer (a.k.a. sunshine).

Great spirit of worship in our services yesterday.

Many, many thanks to our wonderful worship team and Amanda!

Each week, I come expecting God to do great things!

Do you come each week expecting?  Or do you come each week evaluating?

It is a challenging question.

God always meets us at the level of our expectations.

Both the White Sox and the Cubs are in for a long, long summer.

I encourage you to bring someone to our Sunday morning services this Sunday.

I like the fact that our church is so friendly.

We continue to pray for a further moving of God's Spirit.

God, please send renewal and revival our way!

Thankful for a wonderful deacon board this year.  Great group of men.  Great team of men.

This Wednesday is administrative assistant's day.  We say a big "thank you" to Debbie Smith and Jan Winkler in our church office!  They are dedicated, faithful and are doing a great job!

Reminder:  please read through the book of Genesis during our week by week study.

Every person you meet is not all bad or all good.  We are all a mixture of good and bad.  Times when we are really, really locked in spiritually with God - and times when it seems like we are a spiritual mess.

In short, we are all messy.

I am thankful for God's grace and patience with me in the midst of my "messiness" - how about you?

Love you all.....

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