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Thursday, April 25, 2013

A life of trivial pursuit

Is your life a game of "trivial pursuit"?

Are you satisfied with the mundane?   The trivialities of life?

Can I give you a thought today?

We, as a culture, are amusing ourselves to death. 

But it is not just our culture.  We, as the people who have professed Jesus as Savior and Lord have also allowed our lives to become filled with the trivial.

Trivial conversations.

Trivial fights.

Trivial agendas.

Trivial reading.

Trivial praying.

Trivial views of God.

I am guilty of that and so are you.

It reminds me of a Seinfeld episode.  A show about nothing.  Dialogue about nothing.

Our culture is filled with people facebooking (yes it is now a verb) and tweeting what they had for dinner and what kind of hair day they are having.

Now there is nothing inherently wrong with that  (please don't misunderstand me) - it's just that it is replacing the important things of life.

God has not called us to live a trivial life. 

Our life in God is meant to be a great adventure with Him.  Knowing him, pursuing Him, living passionately for God and with God - caught up with God' mission for the world.

Discussing the important things of life.

That should seize us, compel us and burn within us so trivial stuff still exists, but it gets a much lower level of importance on our agendas.

Just a thought for a Thursday.

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