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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trust in God

Stephen Erickson once wrote an article entitled, "How to choose a dentist."

He writes:

"Never trust a dentist who wears dentures.  Whose drill is driven by a system of pulleys connected to three mice on a treadmill.  Who sends you a Christmas card and charges you for it.  How chews tobacco and spits the juice into the sink.  Who uses the suction hose to empty your pockets.  Who is also a barber.  Who sprays his equipment with Lysol to sterilize it.  Who uses lead for fillings.

Great stuff.


Here's what I know:  People will let me down (and I will let other people down), but I can always rely on God.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

I can trust Him.

I can trust God.

Each day has "enough trouble of its own" as Jesus said in Matthew 6:34.  Each day can present unpredictable events in our lives - events filled with surprises and trials and anxieties.

You might have an accident on the freeway, be fired form the job, be the victim of a personal attack, be mistreated, robbed, slandered, or threatened with a lawsuit.

Not fun stuff, but it is true.

Stuff happens.

Stuff leads to worry and worry leads to fear - and a lack of trust - in God.

We think, if not say, "who can I really trust"?

I would suggest that we can trust in God.

David writes in Psalms 56:3, "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in thee." 

In other words, I will lean on, rely on, rest in, surrender to, depend on, relax in God's presence.

How can you and I do this?

By being totally and completely convinced that God is trustworthy. 

God cares.

God is reliable.

God doesn't fumble the ball.

God doesn't work part time.

God is available to me anytime and anywhere.

And when He says, "this won't hurt a bit (as a dentist does) - He means it."

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