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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Letting go

Many times the ultimate question is not:  "What am I willing to have in my life - but what am I willing to let go?"

In the Bible (and in some cultures today) they worshipped metal images.  In our culture we worship mental images.  Images that we ruminate about in our minds.

We can become obsessed with "idols" in our lives - many times these idols being good things.  Sports, family, our jobs, our children, money, T.V., video games.

Anything taken to an excess can become an idol.

In order to have a full, complete and totally surrendered life with Christ - what am I willing to let go - or at least bring into balance?

One day, John Wesley's (the founder of the Methodist Church) house burned to the ground.  Some people found him and said, "John, we are so sorry to tell you this, but your house just burned to the ground."

John Wesley said, "That's impossible."

"No, John!  Your house burned to the ground."

"That's impossible."

"John, we saw it with our own eyes.  Your house is gone!"

"That's impossible.  You see, I don't own a house.  God gave me a place to live in.  I only managed that house for Him.  If He didn't put the fire out, then that's His problem.  He'll have to put me somewhere else."

Wesley understood that he could have something and use something without possessing it.  He didn't hold on to it so tightly that when it went down the went down too.

We "clutchers" aren't we?

We clutch power, we clutch our possessions, we clutch our positions and titles.

"Mine, mine," we say, "and you can't have it and you are not going to take it away."

It is not in our nature to let go.  To relax in God's presence knowing that God will always take care of us. 

What are you and I willing to let go today?

Don't hold on to anything in this world, friends, with a tight grip - anything can be taken away in an instant. 

The one thing that can never be taken away - is my relationship with Christ - and life in eternity with Him.

I thank you God for that.  In fact, let me say this - I love you Lord!

Help me to only, and totally, hang on to you.

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