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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Why should I pray about something more than once?

Why should I pray for something more than once?

I mean, after all, if God knows what I am thinking before I think it, if God knows my needs even before I ask, and if God is more than willing to meet my needs, why do I need to pray persistently?

In Daniel 10, we find that Daniel is troubled concerning a vision that he received.  So he begins to pray.  And he struggles in prayer for 21 days. 

Have you ever prayed for 21 days about something?

I have.  I've been praying about several things for months, if not for years.

But why?

Why is that needed and sometimes even necessary.

Jesus gives a parable in Luke 18 which states that because of the persistence of a widow - a judge heard her case and gives her justice.

Is God like a mean judge that I have to badger in order to see my need met?

Is God deaf?

Do I think I have to keep bothering Him until He throws up his hands in disgust and says, "If I don't grant their request, I'm going to go bonkers?"

When you get a chance, read Daniel 10:10-12.

Verse 12 states, "Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, Your words were heard, and I have come in response to them."

In other words, every time you and I pray, not only does God gladly hear our prayers, but he sends his angels out to answer our prayers.

However, the scriptures tell us that Daniel kept praying because a demonic force rises up (the prince and Persia), spiritual warfare breaks out and the answer is delayed.

It's almost like the curtain of a play or musical is drawn back and we see the spiritual reality of what happens when we pray.

Here's what I know:

When we pray - we turn loose the very powers of heave
When we pray - we have the power to battle the very forces of darkness
When we pray - angels are willing to fight - to answer our prayers.

Hebrews 1:14 tells us, "Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation."

My prayers, your prayers, carry weight.  Every time you and I pray about something, we unleash more and more power from the throne of God.

That's why our prayers must be forceful.  Active.  Persistent.

I encourage you today to not give up in your prayers for that _______________ (and  you fill in the blank).

Unleash heaven today!

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