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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Our distinctive

About the 10th time you hear, "we love your church, and we love you, but there's this thing about 'speaking in tongues' that doesn't resonate with us. We are going to try another church," you begin to grow weary of our doctrinal distinctive.

For a season, I shied away from it.

My reason for doing so was not birthed out of some kind of doctrinal disagreement, but from a desire to see our church grow and remove any barriers for doing so.

Also...I don't like you?

However, and this is huge for me, I have swung back full circle and am now very, very comfortable with what is and remains one of our biggest distinctives as an Assemblies of God Church. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. A prayer language. Signs and Wonders.

We focus on Christ. Our whole "centeredness" is on Jesus. However, we do also have the privilege and the opportunity to walk in the power and strength of His Holy Spirit in our lives.

I guess to say it crassly, "what it is is what it is."

It's who we are.

I don't say this with some kind of chest pounding at all - only out of a heart that is finally at peace with the doctrinal distinctive that we have.

May we all be filled with His Spirit today.

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