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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A reminder


They are good for us from time to time.

Reminders such as "brush your teeth".

"Don't eat too much fried food".

"Wear your seat belt".

"Have a daily devotion time."

Let me give us a reminder today of how we are to act and respond as we come to gather together in worship on Sunday mornings.

I don't give this reminder to point fingers, or to prove a point (I am a pastor, not an evangelist), but to remind us of the fact that God takes us seriously as we come to worship Him on a Sunday morning, and so therefore, we are to take him seriously.

Now please don't misunderstand me, we can't always be alert and totally there each time we come. God has not wired us that way. Sometimes we come with burdens on our hearts and minds. Sometimes we come on a Sunday morning having just dealt with a relational problem. Sometimes we are tired. Sometimes we are bored.

And on top of that, sometimes we find it hard to pay attention because we can be attentively ADD. I understand that (Sometimes my mind wanders while I am speaking, and I am the pastor).

My purpose is not to throw stones, but simple give us a reminder.

Let's look at a hypothetical situation. What if you are sitting and talking to someone across the table from you. And what if the whole time you are sitting and talking to them they are sitting there with their hands in their pockets looking down, or they are whispering to someone sitting next to them, or they are dozing off, or they are reading some magazine or book? Will you continue to speak to them?

What if you were to go over and knock on the door at someones house to visit, and every time you go to visit, they just come to the door and says, "Oh, it's you again; come on in," would you continue to go?"

Of course the answer to both question is "no". Why is that? They are not paying attention to you ; they are disinterested. When you are not treated with love, respect, or even common courtesy, you don't want to speak or visit with someone.

What does this have to do with God? Everything. He is the One who created you and everything around you. He deserves respect, honor and praise.

David writes in Psalms, "God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him."

Just a reminder today......

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