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Monday, April 24, 2006

God hanging on to us

We all have those days were all we can do is to hang on to God shirt's tails for the ride. But more importantly than you or I hanging on to God, is the fact that God is hanging on to us.

God never abandons us. He doesn't have voice mail. He doesn't have an answering machine.

Sometimes all we can do is to cry "help"!

"Help, God!"

What we look at as impossible is possible with God.

May it be so in your life today.

1 comment:

Jon said...

From the brevity, I will take it that yesterday was one of those days. I'll keep you in my prayers, as I do all of the staff there.

But your point is very, very true. Even when we find it hard to hold on to, or feel close to, God, He is always right there holding on to us. Sometimes, I hear people say that they can't feel God or that God seems so far's not God that is distant, it's us. God is right here...He has always been right here...He will always be right here. It doesn't matter where I am, God is always RIGHT THERE! It's me that is separated from Him, not Him separated from me. As most of you know, I walked away and went my own path for a long time in my life...nothing to be glad or proud of because I made a lot of mistakes and screwed a lot of stuff up...but God was always there. I know because when I look backward over my life, even when I was walking my own path, I can see God's Hand moving me and putting people and events in my life to bring me back home.

God is always right here! He lives IN YOU! You are not God, don't get me wrong, but if you have accepted Jesus Christ, He dwells in you! So, God is not far away or avoiding you, He is always (ALWAYS) right here! And He never lets go of you, though you may let go of Him...His hand is sure and steady while ours are sometimes weak or willful. I'm glad that I serve a God who will never let go of me, will never forsake me, will always protect me, will always prosper me, will always meet my needs (not wants, but needs), will always be here for ME!

I serve the only God, the true God, the one God...and He desires a personal, one-on-one relationship with me! He also desires one with you...choose God today and let Him hold you through all the times of your life.

Love God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and for everyone else flows from that love!

Love God, love people.
