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Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I have been thinking a lot about miracles.
We as Christians believe in miracles - and we expect God to do the miraculous.
Everyone wants a miracle.  Everyone needs a miracle from time to time.
We as a church are beginning to dialogue concerning the building of a new sanctuary.  In order to do so - we need to take a huge chunk out of our current mortgage.  In short, we need a miracle!
Here is what I know about miracles:  Miracles are not accidents.
There are no coincidences in the economy of God.
Miracles happen to people who need them, want them and even more importantly - reach for them.
I would suggest that you are never as far from a miracle as it first appears.
To see a miracle, ask yourself first:  What do I need?  Many people don't like where they are, but don't know where they want to be.  Find out first of all - where do I need to be?  What miracle do I need in my life?
Stand on the promises of God.  Search the Word for scriptures that will confirm the miracle that God wants for you in your life.
Ask for the miracle
Don't let the doubters "get you down."  Don't let the critics push you into lowering your sights and accept things, "the way they are."  Dare to dream.  It is hard to fly with the eagles when you are hanging around Turkeys.
Speak creatively.  Stop discussing your fears, doubts and unbelief "only".  Begin to think and speak in a way that opens up the window for God to move in and fill  you with faith. 
Visualize yourself with the miracle already taking place.  Begin to thank God for the miracle as if it has already taken place.
Be persistent.  Don't give up in praying for that miracle.
When God does do a miracle in your life - let us know - we would love to hear your story!
Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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