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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Job contentment

Let me start out with a really, really negative statement:
It is rare that you find someone who feels contentment with their job.
I can only speak for we guys - most men (to explain us to you ladies) who do like their jobs usually like the thrill of the deal or the satisfaction of beginning and completing a project. 
God created us to enjoy the thrill - to feel His pleasure in our work.
The challenge to that is this:  the "thrill of the deal" is not the entire purpose for work.  Going from one deal fix to the next in search of contentment.
What can make a difference?  Work for God, not for man.
Working with God in mind always gives purpose and meaning to what we do.
What is the secret of job contentment?
The secret of job contentment is not getting what you want, but redefining what you need. 
What we want is sometimes not what we need.
And what we need is sometimes not what we want.
So, I would encourage you to think about these questions (to both men and women) in your work.
Am I working to glorify God or myself?  Ambition is not wrong - but am I ambitious to please God or to please myself?
Am I walking in God's will in my work?  Is this what God wants me to do?  When I am walking in God's will, no matter what circumstances come my way - I am at peace.
Am I working to please my boss, or am I working to please God?  Remember:  At the end of the day, it is the Lord you are serving.  Obviously, we are to be faithful to our work and serve our boss because he or she holds God's proxy as our employer.  But God still owns the company, he owns everything. 
So, redefine what you need - not what you want:
Are you glorifying God?
Are you walking in His will?
Are you working to ultimately please God?
Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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