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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Self doubt and rejection

There are moments in our lives when we doubt ourselves because of the rejection that we feel from others.

Yet, when those moments come, I want you to know that you can tap into a wellspring of love, hope and joy that is available to every follower of Christ.

The key is to continually go back to "who you are in Christ," and jump out of the projected and self-projected thoughts of who you think you are or whom others think you are.

The key is to go to Christ in prayer.

As I go to Christ in prayer, I go NOT to make myself better, or to "clean myself up" so that I am presentable to God, but rather to surrender who I am to Christ and receive the life that God desires to plant within my heart. 

I encourage you today to memorize Psalms 91:1, "He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

When you feel rejected, when you feel those emotions of self-doubt coming on, run to Jesus.

Let Jesus cover you with His spirit and the knowledge that you are a child of His.

Don't believe the lies of the enemy, the negativity of others, or even those thoughts that beat your own self down.

Believe in Jesus.  His opinion is the only one that ultimately counts.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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