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Monday, August 12, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

I don't know about you - but I am excited about Jesus.

I am thrilled about what is happening in our church.

I am "so looking forward" to the fall, beginning in September.

God is up to something great!

One of the events I want to share with you is that we are rebooting "Pure Worship" on Wednesday evenings (beginning August 21st) at 7:00 P.M.

You will enjoy the experience of worship, a devotion and praying for the needs of our church.

But here's what we are also doing:  We are beginning a church wide prayer meeting, beginning at 6:00 P.M. on Wednesday nights!

I have felt an urging in my spirit lately that we gather together as a people of God to pray.

We encourage you to come at the timing of your choosing for the prayer time - and then join us for "Pure Worship"!

Once again - it was great to see newer people in our services yesterday, folks who are returning for the fourth and fifth time!

I would also ask that you pursue the tables set up in the foyer this coming Sunday - announcing life groups, adult bible studies, and other ministries of the church.

Repentance is a message that we all need from time to time.

Gets us back to our moral and spiritual foundations.

We are never to "spiritual" to repent.

Can't wait for football to start in a few weeks!

Debbie and I saw our grandchildren this weekend (and Christie and Andrew - their mom and dad).

Applause to their parents for being such great parents to my granddaughters!

Love you all.......

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