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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Being a winner

Everyone loves a winner.

I know I do.

God wants you to be a winner in Him!

Here's what I desire to share with you today:  Becoming a winner in the faith is a process.  Accepting Christ is instantaneous.  It takes time and discipline to become a mature and powerful believer.

Let me give you some positive principles to becoming a winner:

Focus on God.  Center your thoughts on God and His Word.  It is one thing to cleanse your mind of negative and evil thoughts, it is another to replace those thoughts with an attitude of the godly.  If you are around me for any length of time you will hear me say, "if you take something away, you replace it with something else."  Replace negativism with positivism.

Pray.  Have conversations with God on a moment by moment basis.  Schedule an appointment each day with God as well.  Ask, and then thank God for the answers.

Read the Word.  Take notes.  Don't miss a single day.  Feed on the positive promises of God.

Hang around godly people.  People who are on fire for God.  Be selective about who you are friends with.  Friends will either add to or take way from you being a winner.  Ask yourself, "will this friendship bring me closer to Jesus?"  You are who you hang around.

Have a teachable spirit.  Let every moment of your life be a teachable moment, especially when God is trying to speak to you.

Have a winner's mindset.  Get  your focus off the negative and start thinking about the opportunities that God is giving you.  Speak creatively.  Positively.  Think good things about yourself and others.   Stop complaining!  When Satan plants the "seed" of a bad thought in your mind, immediately resist it.

Exercise your authority.  Say:  "Satan, I bind you and resist your ungodly suggestions.  I am a child of God walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.  I cast your thought back to you.  I am a new creation in Jesus!"  And then thank God out loud for good thoughts.  Godly thoughts.

Do you want to be a winner today?

Take charge of your life and put yourself in the hands of God.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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