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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is the Antichrist alive today?

We are living in the end times.

The next great prophetic event will be the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ.

I believe that the rapture is going to take place sooner rather than later in our lives.

In fact, I believe that Jesus will come within my lifetime.  As my father believes this and his father before him believed it.

We are to constantly be on the watch for the return of Christ.

The rapture will be followed by a seven year period of tribulation - in which the last half will consist of the Antichrist ruling the world politically, economically and religiously.

The entire world will give him allegiance or suffer persecution and death. 

Do I believe that THE Antichrist is alive today?

Well, no one knows for sure.  In fact, ultimately, the Antichrist will not be revealed until after you and I as followers of Christ are ruptured to be with the Lord.

However, the domino's are all falling in a row for that one world leader to step up.

At no time have we seen the world advance in a global way as we have the last twenty five years.

We've seen the end of the cold war in 1989.

The rise of the Islamic faith.

The speed of travel from one continent to another.

Incredible advances in communications (world news programs, computers, the Internet and satellites bring instant communication).

Modern weapons of mass destruction.

Modern surveillance technology (we've seen that from our own government - the NSA - the past couple of months).

The interlocking of world markets, currencies, stock markets and economies.

Terrorism and the rise of rogue states.

Global problems such as starvation, pollution and climatic instability (hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis).

We are truly living in a global world that is shrinking before our eyes - a world that is ripe for a one world leader to step in.

The Antichrist will be an "in place of" Christ.  He will be the counterfeit Christ, the substitute Christ, the mock Christ, the pseudo Christ - in short - an imitation Christ.

We don't know for certain who He is - but we can say for certain that the Spirit of the Antichrist is alive and well today!

A spirit of wickedness, evil, greed, manipulation and control.

So, follow my reasoning:

I believe the next great event in prophecy will be the rapture of the church.

I believe that the rapture will take place within my lifetime on this planet.

If that is so, then the Antichrist is alive today, being prepared by the enemy to step up and take control.

At the same time, we don't need to worry about that!

As Christians, we aren't looking for the Antichrist, we are looking for Jesus Christ!

Marantha, even so, come Lord Jesus!

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