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Monday, August 13, 2012

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

We are all extremely excited about the fall!

God is doing some great things!

Our "pay it forward campaign."  (September 1-30).

Going "door to door" on September 17th.

Robert Madu speaking to the youth group and our church on September 29, 30).

Church picnic - September 2nd.

I love the fall in church life!

Still welcoming people back from vacation.

The church needs all of us - and we need the church.

I am thankful for a great worship team!

God is able!

Great is the faithfulness of the Lord.  Morning by morning new mercies we see.  All we have needed, God's hand has given to us.  Great is his faithfulness!

I appreciated the presence of the Holy Spirit in both the first and second service.

I encourage you to invite someone to come to one of our church services!

Don't be afraid!  Don't be intimidated!  People around us are searching for something.

We have the answer - Jesus Christ.

Attended a wedding reception - Saturday morning.  Congrats to Bethany and Mike Spencer (Bethany is the daughter of John and Karen Hayes).  Good food.

Attended a 90th birthday party for Ruth Sennesse.  Great lady.  Wonderful time of seeing photos of Ruth throughout her life and singing the old hymns of the church.  Good food (are you sensing a theme here?)

God is speaking - are we listening?

Go White Sox!

Saw the movie, "The Bourne Legacy."

Great action flick.  Sometimes you just need to see a good car (motorcycle) chase.

Love you all.....

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