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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Being welcomed by God

One of the greatest fears we have is not being welcomed.

From the moment we are born, we experience the anxiety and fear of not being liked, of not being welcomed in any and all situations.

Some say, "I don't care what people think of me."  "I don't care what people say about me."

Overall, that might even be true, but we all, from time to time, pause and ponder of what people think of us.

There are those who go so far as to fear death, not because of a lack of life in the present but because they fear not being welcomed in the life after this.

And they fear it would have been better if they hadn't even lived.

Here's the deal:  a lot of times we feel unwelcome - not by what someone said or did to us - but by what they didn't do.

Not being invited to a party.

Not being spoken to in the hallways of the church.

Not being asked to be included at a table at a church function - while others only sit with those in "their group".

I look at this taking place in church life and it reminds me of high school:  the "cool" kids, and the "not cool kids."

Christians can be mean.

At its core it is a spiritual battle. 

Let me tell you why.

While Christians can walk in the flesh and sin against you with the sins of omission, the enemy (Satan and his demons) will pound you with thoughts that you are not welcome in this life, nor can you trust the guarantee of the Holy Spirit that God will never love you any more or any less than he does right now. 

That is a lie of the "lowest" order.

God's love and acceptance are unconditional.

One of the aspects of the character of Jesus (I am learning as we go through the book of John) is that Jesus was always welcoming - especially to those who weren't welcomed.

Sinners.  Adulterers.  Prostitutes.  The Riff Raff of society.

Everything Jesus said and did ultimately pointed to the fact that you are welcome.

Come one.  Come all.

You wouldn't have seen Jesus "only" sit with those whom he has known for years - Jesus would look for the one or two people who are standing in the corner and say, "Come over here!  Sit with us!  You are welcome here!"

Jesus offers you today a connection with his connection with the Father.  A close connection.

He wants you to be and feel invited and welcomed in his home.  He wants his home to be yours. 

So, today, when you feel unwelcomed, keep reminding yourself that those feelings do not come from God.

The Prince of Darkness wants you to believe that you are less than you are in Christ.  Don't believe it!

It will knock you off the road to freedom!

Listen to me - God's loves you - and God likes you - and so do I.

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