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Monday, February 14, 2011

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

God is moving at Stone Church!  I am so grateful for the presence of the Holy Spirit in our services. 

To see people come forward, indicating their desire for more of God - warms my heart. 

God always meets us at the level of our expectations.

After all these years, I am still learning to not ride the wave of people's up's and down's in the faith.  I am still learning that each person is individually responsible for their own walk with God - no matter how much I desire them to walk in maturity and faith.

Nathan David Muchowicz is a beautiful baby boy - it was my privilege to dedicate him yesterday.

Debbie and I had a great Valentine's Day dinner together last Friday.  I can't tell you how much I love her.

Really like the opening number of the Grammy's last night.  5 women with great voices, big voices.  A salute to Arthea Franklin.

I really appreciate people in our church like Don Janis - who "behind the scenes" is serving Christ by driving the van around our parking lot and picking people up.

The political "goings on" in Egypt is an historic event - probably more so than we realize. 

Chicago is a great city to live in.

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