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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Walking in God's authority

God gives us His power through the Holy Spirit.  I am thankful for that.

But God also gives us His authority to use that power.

I am a believer in Jesus Christ.

Jesus dwells or lives in me (for which I am grateful).

Jesus has all authority.

Therefore, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I can walk in that spiritual authority.

Know this:  This is the very thing that the enemy wants from your life - your spiritual authority.  If he can get you to yield your God-given authority, he will take it and not only rob you of that authority, but use it against you. 

Your spiritual authority can be lost or stolen. 

Look at Judas Iscariot.

Jesus ascends to heaven, the disciples pray. 

What does Judas do?  Judas permanently loses his spiritual authority by his sin, his transgression (read about it in Acts 1:16,17 - and Peter's commentary on this in Acts 1:20,21).

This is the primary way that the enemy knocks people out of their spiritual authority. 

With sin. 

And here's the deal - the enemy will always go after the "head" and not the "tail" as he purposes to destroy.

That's why if the enemy goes after a marriage, he will go after the husband, who should be walking in his spiritual authority as the spiritual leader of his home.

If the enemy wants to go after a family, he will go after mom and dad.

If the enemy wants to go after a church, his primary target is the leadership of that church.

As one author put it, "when Satan knocks the keeper of a house out of his position, all those under his care are vulnerable."

When we sin, we yield our place in the spirit.  We might even still be filled with God's power, but we lose the ability to use that power in an effective way. 

But here's the good news.  Your spiritual authority can be restored.

Your spiritual authority can be renewed.  You can rise us like Caleb in the Old Testament and say, "Give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke.  It belongs to me - not you you."

Don't be intimated by the enemy any longer.

Walk in humility

Confess sin.


Receive forgiveness.

And receive not only spiritual power but spiritual authority - that authority that is needed in prayer, in leadership, in living the Christian life!

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