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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fixing our thoughts on God

I picked up a book the other day entitled, "The 4:8 Principle", by Tommy Newberry.

Wonderful book.  I encourage you to pick it up.

Let me summarize in a random way some of his thoughts.

He writes:

"Keep your thoughts fixed on God. When you keep your thoughts fixed on God, the things of God will naturally permeate your life and your goals will be in line with his will and his kingdom.

You can do away with those thoughts of worry and fear only when you replace them with positive thoughts of faith in God.

Your thought life is so important. How you think.

“The secret conversations you hold in the privacy of your own mind are shaping your destiny, little by little.”

With every thought that races thought your mind, you are continually reinventing yourself and your future. Research indicates that the average person thinks approximately 50,000 thoughts a day. That’s either good or bad news because every thought you think moves you either toward God and faith or away from God and worry. NO thoughts are neutral.

Whatever you think about, will eventually be revealed for everyone to see. What you persistently think about will eventually be brought out in the open by the words you speak and the things you do.

Paul writes in Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world (which is to worry about everything), but be transformed (or overcome worry) by the renewing of you mind (or getting a handle on your thought life.”

Thinking, talking and worrying about what you don’t want can never bring you what you do want.

Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

So important, listen to me, as hard as you might try, you cannot think one thing and experience something else.

We live in a society and culture in America that is bent on highlighting what is wrong with just about everything. In America, people make a living focusing on the negative. And that kind of culture unfortunately has made its way into the church.

You can’t think critically about your spouse, even if you believe it is warranted and reap true intimacy

You can’t think critically about the church, even if you believe it is warranted and reap true intimacy with God.

Some men and women are constantly harping about their spouses.

Some church goers walk out of Sunday morning services like Broadway critics, discussing what they did and did not like rather than considering what God was trying to say to them.

You cannot think negatively and live positively any more than you can plant apple seeds and expect to harvest oranges.

Each moment, each thought can be a new beginning. You can come to these altars today and start afresh in saying, “Father, I am going to have faith in you. I am going to give you my worries and my fears and from this day forward I am going to trust in you.”

That is a moment by moment decision and most certainly a daily decision in our lives. Am I going to trust in God or not?

Negative fearful thought do not come from God. If you are thinking fearful, worried, tiring thoughts it is not from God.

If a thought leads you to feel like a victim instead of a victor it is not from God. Paul writes, “Thanks be to God. He gives us the victory though our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Focus on the father and not your fears today

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