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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Seasons in life

Sometimes when bad things happen to us, all we can do is ride it out. Most of the time it a big help to me to realize that whatever I am going through is a season; either a short time or a longer time where I am being challenged.

But the point is - the season will end. responsibility is to ride it out.

What do you rely on in a disaster, when things are falling apart in your world?

What do you trust in when your survival is at stake?

What do you do when all seems lost?

When Hurricane Gustav was bearing down on New Orleans in the Fall of 2008 and city officials had ordered residents to evacuate, one woman named Hattie decided to stay put.

She told reporters that she had what she needed to ride out the storm, explaining, "I've got liquor, cash, food, ammo, and weed."

Let me suggest something better for you than liquor, cash, food, ammo and weed....let me suggest to you Jesus. Letting his peace and calm flow through your life right now.

May God's peace express itself through your life even as you read this.

Stop right now and give your need to God. He understands. He cares. He loves you. And you will never be the same.

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