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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Good people in the world.

Lately, I've been hearing some stories that show that there IS good in the world, that there ARE people that are reaching out in a time of need.

I was at Ritz camera the other day in the mall, and the manager and I got into a conversation about her son who is in college.

He is on his way to China for 6 weeks where he will work with physically handicapped children, who will then be taken to America, operated on in a hospital, and then given out for adoption to a loving family.


And then this article I found it and know that there ARE good people in the world, people who care, people who want to help.

Congratulations to the winners of the Super Bowl: the Chicago Bears.

OK, I'm guessing you watched the game (even some of those $2.6 million commercials) or at least heard the score, and you know that Indianapolis actually prevailed. But to the residents of some African village soon, the Bears were and always will be victors of Super Bowl XLI.

That's because as soon as the game was over, Reebok representatives rushed onto the field with 288 championship caps and t-shirts, making sure Peyton Manning and team were seen in those garments that would be on sale at your local retailer on Monday morning. But that means there were an equal number of items on hand proclaiming the Bears as winners. What happened to those shirts and caps?

According to a story in the Feb. 4 New York Times, as soon as the game was concluded, the unused apparel was kept under lock and key, to avoid any renegade caps showing up on eBay. Then on Monday it was all shipped to a World Vision warehouse, from which it will soon be sent to an African village for distribution to people with no TVs and no football, and for whom the Bears will forever after be the winners.

So while we have some bones to pick with the NFL over refusing to let churches show large-screen displays of the game while allowing sports bars to do so, at least they got something right. Instead of just destroying 288 perfectly good -- if inaccurate -- shirts and caps, they get them into the hands of people for whom they will have real value.

And the Bears can know that somewhere in the world, they are winners after all.

May we all be "winners" this day by reaching out and helping someone - for the good.

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