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Monday, July 17, 2006


Have you ever been out with someone to an ice cream place and they end up ordering vanilla? Nothing wrong with that, don't get me wrong, but with so many choices to choose from, why get in the habit of staying with the same (and many times) boring flavor?

I read once where most people, by their mid-thirties, have stopped acquiring new skills and new attitudes in any aspect of their lives.

I read that and thought, when was the last time that I acquired a new skill? How many brand-new attitudes have I adopted in my personal life?

Do I approach a problem the same identical way every time?

How do I feel when someone brings up a new and refreshing idea?

Here's what I know. Living and learning are linked together.

I never want to stop living. I never want to stop learning.

In that way, I always want to be like a little child - inquisitive, curious about everything, probing always for the truth.

"Well," you might say, "that's just the way I am. Can't teach an old dog new tricks." (to use a cliche)

Oh really, Why not?

Learn a new skill. Break the routine. Go to a restaurant or place in the area you have never been before. Buy a book on a topic you're interested in but have never pursued and read it! Make a new friend.

Go for it!


Jon said...

Or go skydiving? Or start playing softball again? Or go back to school and take a subject that might interest you? The day we stop learning is the day we die, IMHO. That's true for the Word of God as it is every other form of learning as well. How many times have you read through the Bible? 2, 3, 13, 200? And how often, if you are truly seeking and meditating on God's Word, does He give you something new, or fresh, from a scripture that you've read a hundred times?

Learning can be new things but it can also be deeper things. If you love your garden, study horticulture or agriculture. If you love dogs, study the different breeds. If you love hiking, study alternate routes that you can take during one or two week vacations. Broaden your horizons but also deepen your well of knowledge. Yes, I know I mixed metaphors. It's okay. Now, if you didn't know I mixed metaphors and why some people have a problem with that, start by studying that issue!

Choose anything but continue to learn and continue to grow. Grow in your secular learning and use that opportunity (especially if you are in the local college class scene) to grow others in the way of Christ Jesus.

Love God, love God's people!


Anonymous said...

Or learn do the laundry, learn to iron, learn how to cook, learn to put your clothes and shoes away.

Can a old dog really learn new tricks?

Old dogs are comfortable in their routine. Everyone leaves them alone because they start to get grumpy if you ask them to do anything above and beyond their usual routine. They might even snap at you if you expect them to do something they don't want to.

Old dogs have already ran the fields, taught young pups their tricks and given love to their masters and families. Their tired. They don't have anything to offer.

That's where the old dog is wrong. They still have lots of love to give and wisdom to instill.

I pray that I will always be a "young dog" at heart even when my body screams "old dog".