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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Overcoming discouragement

I read something today that I am probably going to share Sunday. We all get discouraged. We all get depressed. We all get discouraged. What to do?

I quote:

"In the sixth century, when few could read and fewer actually owned books, there was a greater sense of emotional involvement in reading/hearing the scriptures.

Saint Benedict began a practice that is continued in Benedictine communities and among Christians of many backgrounds to this day: lectio divina.

In lectio, one reads the scriptures (or other books that spiritually deepen the reader)very slowly. Like soil that has endured a long winter and is not yet thoroughly thawed, we need the refreshment of the words to linger and be absorbed rather than run off quickly, leaving less chance for growth.

This is not to be confused with other kinds of reading for information or entertainment.

We come to the reading gently, regularly, ready to receive a divine, healing touch into the deep places of the heart.

Ponder the word of God in your heart, like Mary in Luke 2:19. Then, like Mary, give the word access as she did: "Let it be done to me according to your word." Luke 1:38

Lectio is like reading a love letter or poetry where each word is savored, where feelings, memories, and imaginations flare with rich response.

A simple guide for lectio:

1. Come into the lord's presence quietly, with humility, ready to receive a word form God. Pray for the Spirit to bless and guide you.

2. Read/hear a few verses of God's Word for ten minutes or so. At times, a single verse will do. If a single word or phrase captures your heart and mind, rest there. Meditate on the Word. Take it in deeply.

3. Finally, select a word or phrase to take with you through the day. Let it come to mind and touch your life often as the day unfolds. Close with thanks for God's presence.

I encourage you to try lectio divina. You'll see yourself differently. You'll see the world differently.

Good stuff.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Okay, will try it. Another way that I resist depression is through singing...yes, I know that my singing might depress other people when they hear it but singing God's Word or hymns or songs of praise and worship lightens my soul and gets me through the rough times in my life. But, I'll try this slow roll and deep meditation on the Word to see where it leads me.

May you be blessed today!
