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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

36 days to go until we skydive!

I recently read this - good stuff.....

Thomas Carlyle said, "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand."

Vision is essential to leadership, as is seeing the big picture—no doubt about it. But great leaders also have the ability to see and do what is necessary today.

It's the principle of first things first. Solomon said it as simply as it can be said: Develop your business first before building your house. (Proverbs 24:27)

This is what great leaders do. Whereas many flounder from week to week, effective leaders make sure that first, before anything else, business gets done each day.

What's your business? I mean your real business? What matters most to you? Is there anything on your agenda today that reflects this priority? Long term vision is great, but we also need to make a habit of taking care of today's business today.

See if you can complete these two sentences.

1. My real business is __________.

2. I will develop it today by doing this: _______________.

If your real business is following Jesus, then do something today that makes you more like him. Give. Love. Serve. Forgive. Show mercy. Develop your business (your real business) first, before doing anything else.

May you be blessed.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day existence of our lives that we forget that this is only temporary...our eternity lies with God. We lose focus on doing God's work each and every day (well, how about every minute of the day) and get caught up in the world of our secular work...or for those of you in the ministry, in the details of administration at times. That's what Paul warns us against, getting caught up in this world when we need to strive for (to run after) the real prize.

I want to be more and more like Jesus each and every day. Sometimes that is very hard, especially when I am tired and worn out. But then I recall that there are times in the Bible where Jesus is just trying to get away to rest and yet, when confronted by the needs of those following Him, He heals them all...and gets no rest in the process.

Give all you have to God...but most of all, give all of your heart to Him. Material possessions cannot follow you to heaven but the rewards you gather here will be given to you in heaven. Make no mistake, it is not actions that get you into heaven but your works will be reviewed by God to see how well you have completed His work for you. As for me, I want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" All the other heavenly rewards pale in comparison to the affirmation of Abba Father.

Love God and Love People. "As you do unto the least of these, so do you to me." These words of Jesus lay our path for us. Walk with me, help me when I fall and I will do the same for you. Start a relationship with Jesus Christ and a Christian brother or sister who can uphold you when you are weak and seek solace from you when they are. May God bless and keep you all of your days!
