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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Small group meeting - yeah!

We had our first small group meeting last night and had a great time. Our group consists of couples who are in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. While we didn't plan it that way - it's the way God has put it together!

We ate (can you actually meet together without eating?), shared about our families, watched a 3 minute video about being a "real friend" to someone who doesn't know Christ and then had a conversation with God about our each other's needs.

Body life in the family of God is so important.

Paul talks about this in First Corinthians 12:12 when he writes, "Know the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts.....of one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."

God calls me to be more than a "pew pal" to those around me. To truly rejoice with someone and/or suffer with someone takes weekly, if not daily contact!

It means that I must put aside my own personal agenda.

It means that I must give of my time.

It means that I must be open to sharing my own hurts and wounds and feelings.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the relational dynamics continue to grow in our group!

1 comment:

Jon said...

I forgot to ask you last night how Doug was so I'll ask's Doug?

Anyway, I almost feel awkward blogging on the small group issue since we talked about it last night but will for those who read the blog.

Small groups are where we're supposed to be as Christian...the need to be in "family" style relationships is clearly laid out in Acts 2 and throughout the whole book. In these small groups, we are to support each other both physically and spiritually, share God's bounty with each other, share our joys and our heartaches, our successes and our failures. In small groups, we learn to grow in our relationship with God and with each other. It's not Bible study but is instead Biblical community...relationships that help us to move forward in our walk with Christ.

I can be exhausted, just flat worn out, but when I spend time before small group praying for our time and our group, singing songs of praise and worship, by the time group starts, God has rejuvenated me. And the time I spend with my group is like a family gathering, with us catching up on our week and all the things that have's like a homecoming every helps me to get through the remainder of my week and helps me to stay focused on my brothers and sisters.

The best part is that God is always there with us...He shows up in every conversation and in every thing we do. We don't have to make it overt or plan it, even, but He's always there. Doing things in this way makes those who don't have a relationship with Him feel more comfortable and they begin to understand that God is on their side just as He is on mine! By showing our love for each other, these folks get to see what real "community" is all about.

I'm so glad that your group went so well and I look forward to great things coming out of that group that you have. Biblical community is truly one of the greatest gifts that God has planned for us this side of heaven. I wish I was eloquent enough to put all that I feel about small groups into words and/or on paper...I'm not, but what I am is thankful that I'm in a small group every week and through each week.

Love God, Love People.
