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Monday, January 09, 2006

The vision thing

We had a great day yesterday in our church. Many of our church families were back after having been gone for the holidays - there was a great spirit of friendship and fellowship not only with each other but with the Holy Spirit as well.

We were also honored with a 25th wedding celebration from our church family. Many, many thanks to those who came. You blessed us with many wonderful cards and with your love - we love you too!

I spoke on vision yesterday morning or as I like to call it, "the vision thing." I trust that at least a great percentage of those who were listening "caught" the vision of where we desire to be!

I know that it is difficult to grasp the big picture of any church group - we all have our own situations and problems and difficulties - many are just trying to get through the day much less focus on where our church needs to be headed for the year.

May our church be blessed this year with a spirit of worship.

May we be blessed with a spirit of prayer.

May we be blessed with a spirit of service.

May we be blessed with a spirit of outreach.

May we be blessed with a spirit of nurture.

Onward and upward - for God's kingdom!

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