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Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I am sensing an increasing desire in my life to lead those around me in times of communication with God.

Starting on Thursday, January 12, 2006, (and for every Thursday after that until the beginning of June) we are beginning a prayer time in our sanctuary for those who would like to stop in and pray on their way to work.

The sanctuary will be open from 6:30 A.M. to 8:00. I am going to invite people to come and go. You might pray for 5 minutes or 50 minutes depending on your schedule.

There will also be coffee, juice and donuts in the library which is across the foyer.

Connecting with God - connecting with others. Pretty good stuff if you ask me.

There are four types of connection with God (or maybe more - can you think of any others?):

I have continual conversations with God throughout the day.
I have a concentrated prayer time where I bring to Him my requests and do my best to listen to His response.
I worship and pray with those who are followers of Christ with me during the Sunday morning celebration.
I pray with others during a time of prayer where we intercede for others.

All 4 of these types of prayer are necessary!

Let's pray! Let's touch and be touched by God!

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