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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Talking to an atheist

I rarely meet someone who is sincerely a flat out atheist. Who doesn't believe in some kind of "higher power." And even if they say they are - I have my suspicions.

I would suggest that it might be the height of arrogance to believe that life begins in and ends with myself.

And within all of us is the inner belief that surely this life is not all there is.

So how do we share our faith with someone who claims to be an atheist?

If I knew the answer to that question, I'd bottle it and sell it because there is such a need for one.

Here's what I know:

Don't come on too strong.
Don't beat them to death by quoting Scripture or leaving tracts on their nightstand or by leaving praise music on in the house.

That can smack of disapproving that person, which I know you and I are not trying to do.

Yet we must be sensitive to the feelings of those who are close to us or anyone that we are talking to about the Lord.

What must we do?

We must earn the right to be heard.

We can't assume that just because we are friends with someone that they will take seriously what we say when it comes to our relationship with Jesus Christ.

To the average person, sharing something new that contains veiled criticism of where they are standing with respect to god and Christ equals personal rejection or at the very least disapproval.

So before we can viably share our faith we must show them that we are their friends so that they don't perceive that we are making a radical break from our relationship.

Relationships are the key!

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