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Wednesday, September 02, 2015

God is all you have

I have often heard it said that when, "God is all you have, God is all you need."

I believe that deeply in my heart - it is just that it is hard to act out in our everyday lives.

Our circumstances can be so real - so prominent - so overwhelming that it can be hard to focus on the reality of who God is - and how he is there (continually during difficult times).

Yet we know that as followers of Jesus, the true crux of our faith is believing in God when there is no where else we can go.

I believe that God can do miracles - I really do.

I believe that God can heal - I really do.

I believe that God can take the vilest sinner, forgive them and set them free - I really do.

But I believe that the greatest exercise of our faith is when it seems like everything else around us is caving in - and all we can do is place ourselves in the hands of God.

And, at the end of the day, there is no other place I would rather be than in God's hands.

Have faith in God today, my dear friends, and He is will see you through.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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