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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Actions steps

Call them what you want:  Character flaws, addictions, bad habits, momentary loses of judgment - mistakes, failures and sin can bind us and keep us from the abundant life that Jesus longs for us to have.
What can we do?
Let me give you 5 actions steps that you can take to break out of those things in your life that are hindering you and causing you to be "less than you can be in Christ."
Acknowledge that you have flaws. 
What is it in  your life that is keeping you defeated and becoming what you should be?
Is it lust?  Jealousy?  Revenge?  Unforgiveness?  Anger?  Gossip?
David said in Psalms 38:18, "I confess my iniquity; I am troubled by my sin."
Admit you need help.
This is huge.  Probably the biggest action step you can take.  Until you admit that you are vulnerable and imperfect,  you will never experience victory.
David said in Psalms 34:17, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles." 
Remember:  What you can't talk about - you are in bondage to.
Avoid temptation.
Don't place yourself in situations where you know you are vulnerable. 
If you have a problem with gossip - stay away from people who gossip!
Ask for help.
It is not enough to admit you need help, or to avoid temptation, you also need to ask for help. 
Ask for God's help.  Ask for a spiritual leader's help.  Ask for Christian professional help.  Take proactive steps to reach out for guidance and counsel. 
Please understand - no one can do that for you.  You must ask for help.
Assimilate God's truth into your life.
Read God's Word and put it into practice.
The psalmist writes in Psalms 119:11, "I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you." 
Just a thought for a Thursday.

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