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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Power of our testimony

One of the statements I love is found in Revelation 12:11, that we overcome Satan by the "power of our testimony."

Good stuff.

We can and should be overcomers!

It is not enough for followers of Christ to stop Stan's control over our lives.  We must desire to attack the strongholds of the enemy and win the world for Christ!

Being a "sports guy" I know that the best defense is a good offense.

I would suggest, today, that too many of us are just trying to hold ground when we should be gaining ground!

Too many of us are wondering what the Devil is up to when we should be focusing in on what God is up to!

What is God directing me to do?  What is God's plan for my life?

In a book entitled, The Civil War by Geoffrey C. Ward, it tells a story of General Grant and his adversary, General Lee, that illustrates the attitude we should have:

Right in the middle of the Battle of the Wilderness, all the staff men who'd been fighting in the East all this time - Grant had just come from the West - kept talking, "Bobbie Lee, Bobby Lee, he'll do this, that, and the other."

And Gran finally told them, "I'm tired of hearing about Bobby Lee.  You'd think he was going to do a double somersault and land in our rear.  Quite thinking about what he's going to do to you and think about what you're going to do to him."

I like that.

I the same way we should go forth, with the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and let Satan be the one that's defending and scrambling and trying to withstand us as we move in God's power and in His will.

We are not spiritual soldiers holed up in a foxhole wondering if we are "going to make it!"

We are soldiers of the king with all of his spiritual arsenal at our disposal.

So today, I challenge you to not talk about surviving, talk about conquering - in His name!

That's the power of your testimony.  Praise God!

Just a thought for a Thursday.

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