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Thursday, September 06, 2012

impossible situations

It is an inevitable part of life.

Impossible situations.

Something or someone that is beyond our on personal control.

It can be depressing.  It can fill you with anxiety.  I can be maddening.  Literally and figuratively.

Something or someone we care about even more than life itself - and there is nothing we can do to change the situation (in the natural).

A terminal illness.

A loss of a job with no job in sight.

A family member who is no living for God.

We can feel boxed in.  Overwhelmed. 

Life becomes a blur.  Focus is lost.  A desire to press on is gone.

We can't believe this is happening.

Well, we as believers do know this - Nothing is impossible with God.


I know that, and you know that, but it is hard to hang on that promise even though we know and have seen God work in impossible situations in the past.

What can you and I do?

Well, we pray.  We seek God.  We read the Word of God.  We receive support from those around us.  We quote scripture.  We pray about the situation with fervency or we ask others to pray with us or for us or for the situation.  We believe.  We pray.

But here is one thought I want to leave you with today, something very practical.

When I am faced with an impossible situation and feel overwhelmed by something I can't control, here's what I want you to know.

Keep on keeping on.  That's it?  Yep, that's it.  Just keep on keeping on.

Put one foot in front of the other and keep on walking.

Many times that is all we can do.

Baby steps.  Keep on taking those baby steps.

A baby takes a step, falls down.  Gets right back up and tries again.  Baby steps.

For you it might be something as small as getting out of bed in the morning.  Or going to the gym.  Or coming to a worship service.  Or doing that assignment at work that you have been putting off.  Or reading one verse in the morning.  Or having a one minute conversation with God.

All I can say today is this:  when you feel overwhelmed - just keep on keeping on.

And eventually God will make the impossible possible.

And eventually you will receive peace.

And eventually you will receive joy.

I need to believe that today - how about you?

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