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Monday, February 13, 2012

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

Dave and Millie Gable, what great people!

Dave is an excellent communicator.

One thought from the marriage seminar - it really matters how you speak with your spouse.

Men and women think and talk differently.

Men and women have different goals in our talking:

For men the goals are independence, new information, resolution and announced conclusions.  For women, the goals are interdependence, intimacy resonance and talking through conclusions.

As a result, women's words are often not conveying new information, and are awarded little value by men who then don't feel like listening - this frustrates women, who want to further the relationship and get help or understanding in doing it (from Dave Gables notes).

In other words, we men like to share information and seek bottom line conclusions to problems.  Women seek to strengthen relationships and talk through each solution to each problem.

Bottom line (after all I am a man writing this):  Men are different from women.

Great teaching yesterday from Dave:  that we make the greatest impact with people, not through our words but through our interactions with one another.

You never know when your words or actions might change someones life.

Most impactful ministry takes place through one on one relationships.

Several folks have signed up for our membership class.  Onward and Upward!

Upward basketball continues to be a highlight of our church.  God is doing some great things!

I encourage you - when you are surrounded by a sea of negativity, be a lighthouse of positive words, actions and thoughts.

You are who you hang around.  If you hang around negative people - you will be negative.  If you hang around positive people - you will be positive.

Thankful for those who work so hard in ministry each week at our church!

God is good - all the time.

We love you all!

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