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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Holy Spirit guidance

One of my strengths is that I can make decisions quickly.

However, it can be a weakness if I decide on something without consulting the Holy Spirit.

Time and time again, I have consciously slowed myself down and spent some time in conversation with God about a direction or a choice or a decision.

Jesus teaches us that the Holy Spirit, "The Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth." (John 16:13)

We need the Holy Spirit - specifically when it comes to this area of guidance.

I may sense a specific direction, godly people I trust may share their opinions about a decision I am making, but what does the Holy Spirit day?  What am I sensing God saying to me?

Let's use the analogy that the Holy Spirit is like the steering wheel of our lives.

When I drive somewhere, there are two ways that I can reach my destination.

One way is to look at a map and figure it out myself as I drive. 

Another way is to have someone drive me who already knows where they are going.

The Holy Spirit is that person. 

I guess what I am suggesting is that before you make any, and I mean any decision, ask the Holy Spirit what you should do.

And he will never, ever, steer you wrong.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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