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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Simple church

Old habits die hard. I am finding that out once again.

This time of year is traditionally the time when church life becomes alive once again. The kids are back into school, vacations are over, routines are reestablished. For a pastor, it's a great time of year. Everyone is refocusing on work, school and the church.

Once again, we are offering a maze of activities, from golf tournaments to dinners and car rallies (all of it great stuff). It's so easy to get busy "doing" things that we forget that God is calling us to "be" the church as well. To be a "simple" church. That's where the old habits come in.

Albert Einstein has written, "out of complexity, find simplicity."

Thom Rainer writes, "...People are hungry for simple because the world has become much more complex. The amount of information accessible to us is continually increasing. The ability to interact with the entire world is now possible. Technology is consistently advancing at a rapid pace. The result is a complicated world with complex and busy lives. And, in the midst of complexity, people want to find simplicity. They long for it, seek it, pay for it, even dream of it. Simple is in. Simple works. People respond to simple."

Simple church is not a change in doctrine or conviction.

Simple church is not trying to become simple because it is in style or culturally hip.

Simple church is not just a pragmatic approach.

Simple church is not lazy church.

Simple church is doing what God calls us to do. Worship Him, connect with one another, be discipled, and reach the world.

A full calendar is not a sign that we are in the process that God wants us to be in.

Like I said, old habits die hard......

More on this tomorrow....

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