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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Making decisions part deux

I read this and thought it was good stuff:

"How do we make decisions? Do we consider consequences? In Romans 7, Paul speaks of his struggle with knowing what is right and good but yet doing that which is wrong. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus struggled and prayed that God's will would be done. Our lives are a series of decisions. How do we make wise decisions?

1. By using the minds that God has given us. Our minds are a tremendous tool and gift from God. We are to sharpen our minds by thinking analytically and critically in order to make sharp decisions. (Proverbs 18:13, 15, & 17)

2. By praying to God for wisdom and discernment. Wisdom is looking at life from God's eternal perspective and comes from having a respect for God and a growing ability to tell right from wrong. We can be bitter about the unfairness of life or we can instead ask God for wisdom to respond to the unfairness in an appropriate and wise way. (Proverbs 1:7)

3. By praying that God's Holy Spirit will guide us. When we yield to God, He fills us with His Spirit, He guides us and we develop the mind of Christ. If we ask what would Jesus do and how can I honor God in this situation, God will grow within us the self-control and patience to make wise decisions. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through inner promptings and other people. (Ephesians 5:18 & 1 Corinthians 2:14, 15)

4. By praying. Prayer is talking to Jesus and developing intimacy and a relationship with Him. He loves us and listens to us. Prayer is not an exercise in getting but in giving and connecting with God.

5. By doing what is right and good. If we obey Him in all that we know He has asked us to do, He will grow character within us and guide us through the gray, confusing areas of life. We can be confident of this because we know that God is good. In the midst of criticism, we are to stand firm, even if we have to stand alone, not give in to pressure and know that we have done good. Through discipline, decisions become habits. If we make decisions that honor God in all the small areas of our lives, we will develop wisdom and God will give us the ability to make wise decisions in the big areas. (Matthew 5:6)

6. By considering consequences. God has given us a free will. We can not blame our environment or our parents. We are responsible. In Joshua 24, 1 Samuel 14, & Acts 20, the Bible tells of how Joshua, Samuel and Paul sought to live their lives by making right decisions that honored God.

7. By accepting and responding to the grace of God. God's grace, acceptance and forgiveness covers over the poor decisions we have made, gets us back on track, encouraging us to continue on and become people of integrity.

God will guide us as we humbly seek to honor him."


Charlie said...

Decisions, Decisions as Youth Extreme says. We continue to do the same thing everyday hoping things will turn out different. Even Youth Extreme recognizes what’s going on here. I see the same thing everyday too. It’s like sometimes living in the Groundhog Day movie, in real life.
We have to purpose in our hearts that we are going to change. Base that change on the Word of God, Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare our day and to bring to our remembrance what we’re trying to do.
God is not going to change us, we have to change us. Scripture tells us to resist the devil or the Evil Inclination and he will flee from you. I’m talking to myself here. If we want to start making better decisions than we need to keep our focus on who we profess to serve and rely on what His Word says for us to do. Discipleship means discipline.
We have to approach our lives from who in control? If God is truly on the throne in your life, than follow and do what he says. The answers to every question, and how to make the right decisions, is in the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you. But you have to give the Holy Spirit something to work with here. How can he help you make the right decisions in your life, if your life is not centered around and given over to His Word? God’s Word is His Will.
But, you know, that takes to much time. I’ll go ask bother or sister so and so.
Then you live by the decisions you and so and so make.
The Holy Spirit is your Council, your teacher. He will not guide you into all truth concerning the Will and Word of God.
So the choice is yours. If you want to truly stop making bad decisions. Than stop, it’s up to you, the ball is in your court.

Jon said...

You're right Charlie and I love the Scripture that you quote. I especially love the first part of the verse that was omitted (and is often omitted in quoting this verse) as it provides the setting for when the devil will flee from you. The entire verse is, "Submit yourself therefore to the Lord; resist the devil and he shall flee from thee." And that's what we're all talking about in making decisions--submitting to the Lord's will and the Lord's plan and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The success is in the submission! All other stuff falls in line with that act of obedience. The devil will not flee from you if you have not submitted to God...he will hound you and persecute you and tempt you with the pleasures of the world. It is only when we give ourselves totally to God that the devil realizes that he has no power over us...that God's shield of truth extends over us and protects us. Paul says that we should "pray continuously" as we go through our day. I think that is where so many of us get lost in our busy jobs...we get caught up in the whirlwind of events (minor though they may be to others) and we lose touch (continuous touch) with God. Our decisions, even in the middle of a hectic work day, should reflect the glory and wonder of God...they should be a beacon for others to see that the Word of God is the word of integrity and compassion (and a whole lot of other stuff) as we impact others with our input and management.

Take time each minute of your day to give God the glory! Ask for His guidance and you will receive it! That's one of the many promises that He gives to us. Don't get caught up in the "Oh, my prayers have to be long and phrased right" mentality...a simple, "God, Help me!" will do the trick. Reflect on the goodness of God as you move through your office space or along the road or across campus...He has placed all of that glory in your eyes for a reason. Give Him honor and praise for all things, good and not-so-good, that enter your day as there are lessons in all of them! Seek His Will and His Guidance...His Love you already have!!

Love God, Love People! The retirement plan is fantastic and eternal!
