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Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Setting the mind

The mind.

Sounds ominous doesn't it.

The mind.

Sounds like a title to a Stephen King novel.  "The Mind".

The Bible says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."  Proverbs 23:7

Paul writes in Romans 12:2 to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds".

Another translation says it this way (NLT):  "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."

God's desire is that your mind (your thought life) works for you everyday and not against you.

God's desire is that we learn to set our minds to godliness, purity and wholesomeness.

From experience, that is "easier said than done."

How can I stop thinking wrong thoughts?

Here is what I know:  it is not by trying harder to not think negative, wrong thoughts that I begin to think positive, right thoughts.

It is by thinking about something else.

Something that is godly.  Something that is pure.  Something that is positive.

You and I can choose what we pay attention to.

At any moment, including this one right now - you and I can turn our thoughts in one direction or another.  It is within our capacity to set our minds - which explains why two people can be in the same set of circumstances and yet have completely different experiences.

What is the difference?  It is a way of thinking. 

John Milton wrote, "The  mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven or hell, a hell of heaven."

John Ortberg writes, "setting your mind is like setting a thermostat.  It is creating a target for the climate.  Once you set a thermostat, the heating and air-conditioning will have to adjust in relation to the weather.  It is a constant process, but the goal is for the system to create a life-giving climate.  So too it is with our minds.  Many people try to tell themselves to stop thinking negative thoughts - which immediately brings to mind the very thoughts they re supposed to stop thinking."

Paul writes that we are to, "set our mind on things above, not on earthly things."  Colossians 3:2.

So then, my suggestion?  When negative, ungodly thoughts fill your mind today - don't float away in denying those thoughts or try to achieve a state of "mindlessness" but fill your mind with life giving thoughts, specifically the word of God."

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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