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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Etch A Sketch and forgiveness

When I was a kid I used to love to play with an "Etch A Sketch".

Turning the little nobs, creating something and then turning it upside down and shaking it - and then turning it back over with the slate clean.

It was a wonderful tool to to create, make mistakes, wipe away your mistakes and have a new start.

What a powerful illustration of God's grace.

Like an Etch A Sketch, sin makes it mark on the screen of our lives.  The evidence of our disobedience is there for all to see. 

It is not a pretty picture. 

But when we ask for forgiveness, the blotches of sin on the screen of our lies are erased and we are made like new.

I, for one, am very, very grateful for that.

God forgives us instantaneously and completely.

He always gives us a second chance.  And a third.  And a fourth.

I guess that's why they call it Grace.

So, forgive yourself today - God has.

Just a thought for a Thursday.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sounds of silence

Simon and Garfunkel used to sing a song entitled, "The Sounds of Silence."

In the midst of computers, the Internet, Ipods, C.D.'s, radio and television, the roar of traffic - the midst of our frantic lives - listening to the sounds of silence has become a lost art in our world.

David writes in Psalms 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God."

Be still.

Be quiet.

Wait in silence.

"In solitude," Henri Nouwen wrote, "I get rid of my scaffolding."

Scaffolding is all the stuff we use to keep ourselves going, propped up, to convince ourselves that we are important or okay.

In solitude we have no friends to talk with, no phone calls or meetings, no television sets, no music or books or newspapers to occupy and distract the mind.

I was reading today of a church in England that recorded "the sounds of silence" on to a CD.  The CD has become a surprise hit with its congregation.

The members of St. Peter's church in Sussex, England recorded "a little bit of the silence" of the building's atmosphere.  The recording features the surrounding sound of footsteps, voices, background traffic noise - but mostly just silence.

The church technician at St. Peter's, Robin Yarnton, said, "It does what it says on the cover.  Silence is all you get.  Mostly people have said it's nice and they like it, and that it is quiet and peaceful."

The full CD features a 30 minutes track, with a spoken introduction, closing words, and 28 minutes of silence.  According to the church, customers from around the world have been buying the recording.

So, what to you do when you practice solitude and silence?  The answer is, "nothing."

At least once a day, I encourage you to be silent.  It could be anything from sitting in your front room without the T.V. on - and pausing to soak up the quiet - to not turning on the radio as you are driving in your car.

Silence is not only a building block of your relationship with Christ - it is a great tool of solid mental health as well.

Be still.  Be quiet.  Let God speak to you.  Let your brain be at rest.  Process your day, letting the voice of the Father permeate the silence with an infusion of reality.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Staying connected to the body of Christ

In the book of First Corinthians, Paul uses a great metaphor of the people of God being the "body of Christ."

He writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27, "the body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.  So it is with you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."

Here's what I know:  You are a part of the body.  And as part of the body of Christ, your own growth cannot take place without growth in others.

When  you change, the whole body changes.

That is why it is very important that you stay connected to a local church family - a local body of believers - a larger community to which you belong (and Stone Church is a place to belong).

When you go through times of difficulty, trial and even temptation, and you are walking through a season of challenge, a season of adversity, it is important that you stay connected to a body of believers (and here is the different thought I would give you) not just for your sake, but for their sake. 

Think about Jesus.

During His earthly pilgrimage he asked his guys to follow him even where they really didn't want to go.

In the journey you are taking, Jesus is with you and whether or not you are fully fully cognizant of it, you are taking your brothers and sister with you as well.

When you hurt, we hurt.  When you suffer, we suffer.  When you rejoice, we rejoice.  When you are in need, we feel that need with you.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:26, "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, eveyr part rejoices with it."

So.......the way you react to adversity will challenge or encourage the body of Christ around you to react or not react in the same way.

That is the power of the connection we have as followers of Christ.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

Daniel Day Lewis - well deserved win for best actor in a movie as a leading man.

I have never seen someone who can "disappear" in a role like he can.  Incredible.  His "Lincoln" is one for the ages.

Met a couple of new families yesterday at our church.

Am grateful for guests, visitors who are checking us out.

Jesus said:  Follow me - in the context of trials and tribulations and of not comparing ourselves with others.

Great altar time at the end of the second service - God took hold and moved in a powerful way!

It thrills me - in fact it is one of my favorite things in life to see people standing around the altar worshipping God.  There were tears, people crying out to God.  Our God is a good God.

To find meaning in life we are not to go purpose hunting but God hunting.  And when we find God, we will find our purpose.

The reason I exist on this planet it to worship and serve God.

I exist for God, God does not exist for me.

God is concerned about me.  God desires to answers my prayers.  God would have sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross for me (for the forgiveness of my sins) - but this whole human experience is about God not about me.

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience - we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

To make a difference - I must make loving God a priority in my life.  I must walk in forgiveness.  I must believe that I must and I can make a difference in someones life.

Do you leave people better when you leave their presence than when they entered in your presence?

Michigan State - lost two in a row.  Come on, Spartans!  You can do better!

Can sense spring coming around the corner (despite the snow we are about to get this week).

Again, (and it's a wonderful "broken record" that I get to say this) I met some people I didn't know at Upward Basketball this past Saturday.

Two more Saturdays to go!  May God do a work in the life of each parent and child who attends!

Being real and open with one another is the only way to go - to have a meaningful, successful relationship with someone.

I need you, you need me - we all need God.

I would encourage you to hang out with God this week!

Love you all....

Thursday, February 21, 2013


I read this the other day:

"Just because you are offended, doesn't mean that you're right."

I've been mediating on that quite a bit.

Just because I am offended doesn't mean that:

A.  I have the right to be offended.
B.  They are wrong in what is said or done.

Sometimes we are offended when we shouldn't be. 

Somebody says something and we take offense, either because it "hits us wrong," or we have experienced a bad day. 

Under normal circumstances it wouldn't have bothered us, but "if you knew what I've been going through, you would understand why that offended me."

In other words, what was said or done was done at the wrong time, in the wrong way and at the wrong place.

But let's talk about those times when somebody says or does something that is right - and yet we still remain offended.

Someone speaks the truth (and they speak it in love) and we choose to walk away - in offense.

Whether it is out of embarrassment or the realization that our faults have come out into the open, we can choose to walk away with feelings of hurt and anger.

Here's what I know:  Some people walk around with a spirit of offense.  They are constantly being offended.

Like the garbage that piles up in your house, they carry around with them the "smell of offense."  You can "smell" their offended feelings when you come in contact with them.

They are just waiting for you to say something or do something whereby they will leave your presence offended.

To put it crassly, those kinds of people are a bummer to be around.  You have to watch everything you say and do.  At no time can you simply "relax" with them and be yourself.

Everything is judged.  Everything is examined. 

Here's what I know:  offense is a choice we make.  I make a choice as to whether or not I am going to be offended.  And when I am offended, I choose as to whether or not I will remain entrenched in that offense.

Offense gives the person who has offended us control over us.  They hold a power over the way we feel and the way we act (many times for a lifetime).

Don't let that person control you by remaining in offense!  Choose to be set free today and move on!

Let the "perfume" of God's Holy Spirit bathe you in love and forgiveness!

Just a thought for a Thursday.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Critiquing culture versus making culture

Many Christians feel that it is their spiritual mandate to critique the culture we live in.

"Why are they doing this?"  "What about that?"

"That is disgusting."  "That is perverse."

"How can you participate in that?"

I really get that.

We as Christians have a responsibility to be aware of the culture that we live in and stand for righteousness.

We have a responsibility to lift our voices and quell the downward spiral of American morals, ethics all wrapped up in this one word, "culture".

But here is what I am learning, and please don't misunderstand me.

The most effective way of stemming the tide of evil and immorality in our culture is not just by critiquing it - it is by making it.

The best method of changing our culture is not by continually articulating, "don't do this and don't do that," but by saying, "this is what you can do, this is what we need to do."

Hear me well:  We as Christians must give just as much energy in promoting and offering hope and compassion as we do in lifting up the banner of righteousness and truth.

We can critique all we want - but what are we offering in return?

People around me hear me say many, many times, "if  you take something away, replace it with something else."

Andy Crouch writes, "So if we seek to change culture, we will have to create something new, something that will persuade our neighbors to set aside some exiting set of cultural good for our new proposal."

Maybe we as Christians need to spend more time loving those around us - rather than pointing out their faults.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Trust is such an important yet fragile word.

Trust takes time, many times a lot of time to earn, especially with those who have had their trust in someone broken in the past.

Trust can be lost in a moment, in the time that it takes to snap one of your fingers.

Whether it be a word that it said or a deed that is done, our trust in someone or some/thing around us can be broken, trashed, nuked in a nano second.

During those moments, you and I immediately walk through the grieving process, "This can't be happening - how could they say that", and then anger at the person who betrayed our trust, bargaining with God in an attempt to overcome our emotion hurt, depression over the fact that we just can't seem to get over the hurdle of brokenness, and finally acceptance that while the relationship might never be the same, we can reestablish or reconcile with the person and move on with our lives.

Those are, of course, the 5 steps of grief.

However, here is what I know.  If after two years (which is a generalize time frame from most psychologist) you are still struggling with trusting that person who has broken your trust, it might be time to talk to a Christian counselor, pastor or mentor in your life.

If, after two years, you are still struggling with what happened (you remember the time, the place, the words that were spoken, the way that they were spoken) and you can't let go - it might be time to seek some kind of emotional help and support.

This is so important, for to withdraw trust completely from the world around you is self-destructive

Many choose to live in self imposed prisons with walls so high it makes any prison in Chicago look pale in comparison.

"I'm never going to be hurt by that person again, or for that matter anyone else," they cry out.

But at what point can that person redeem themselves in your sight?  At what point can a friendship, a relationship be restored in your eyes?

How much does that person have to "pay" to get back into your good graces?

How long are you going to hang it over "their heads"?

"How long must that person suffer before they can attempt to reconcile with you"?

As I have said many times, "many of us are harder on others than God is."

At what point does your "hurt" and your "woundness" become just another way of attracting attention or allowing yourself to wallow in self-pity?

The way to overcome a lack of trust in our lives is not to withdraw trust - or to withdraw from relationship with those around us - but to forgive and move on.

Forgiveness doesn't make the other person right - forgiveness sets you free.

Let me say that in another way:  Reconciling with someone doesn't make the other person right - reconciling with them allows you to move forward with your life.

How do you reestablish trust in someone?   Give them trust.

It is that simple. 

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

Busy weekend of ministry at Stone Church.

The church gym was filled with three different activites - one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

I love it!

I continue to meet parents and children at Upward Basketball who do not attend our church.  What a great outreach.  What a wonderful way of bringing people from our community to our church campus - and connect!

There is enough energy in our church gym on a Saturday morning to run Chicago for a day!

I am extremely grateful for all of our Upward volunteers - those who coach, run the clock, the concession stands, etc.

Thank you for your time, your help and your service in God's kingdom.  You are loved and appreciated!

The younger couples of our church had a potluck on Saturday evening, with a time of sharing and having fun afterward.

Debbie and I had the privilege of being with them - the evening was full of laughter - good times.

It encourages me to see that group growing numerically, and closer to one another relationally.

I am now at the stage where I get to be "grandpa" to all of their kids.

We continue to work hard, and minister and do God's kingdom work.

My responsibility is to be faithful and obedient - God's responsibility is to bring in the harvest.

He is "Lord of the Harvest".

Would encourage all of us to invite someone to come this Sunday, as I will be concluding my series in the book of John.

Several raised their hands for salvation yesterday - I praise God for that!

Let the Holy Spirit energize you today!  Let the Holy Spirit rejuvenate you this week!

Per my comment last week about the Pope resigning and me sending in my resume - no one has contacted me yet.  :)

Love you all......

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Angels and us

One of the biblical principles that you and I find in the Bible is that angels exist.

While I believe in angels, and while I believe in their existence and ministry in our lives - the whole subject can be mystifying.

Most of the time angels are invisible to us.  There are angels working behind the scenes in our lives - ministering to us but also ministering for us.

The reason why they (on the whole) remain invisible (in the natural) to us is that if they consistently took on human form (which they can do) people would tend to venerate them in a way that would border on worship.

Paul writes in Romans 1:2,425 that we are to worship the creator and not His creation. 

In other words, angels are not to be worshipped.

We do not pray to angels.  We do pray to God that He would release His angels to minister for us and to provide, for example, protection for our loved ones.

Almost every day, I not only "plead the blood of Jesus" (Job 1) over my kids and family, I ask that God would send His angels to watch over and protect them.

To exaggerate just a little, I believe that there are angels in heaven just waiting to be used by God.  "Oh, God, can I go help this one - can I minister to that one."

Let's also not confuse the ministry of angels with the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Angels are mightier than you and I, but they are not gods and they do not possess the attributes of the Godhead.

They are messengers of God who serve we as followers of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:14).  The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, but no angel can be in more than one place at any given time.

But to explain it even further, on a broader scale, God uses angels to work out the destinies of men and nations.  He has altered the courses of the busy political and social arenas of our country and directed the destinies of men by angelic visitations many times over.

Please know that angels keep in close and vital contact with all that is happening here on earth - under the direction of God.

So, why not ask God the Father to provide angelic support over you and your family today?  Protection.  Watchfulness. 

Just a thought for a Thursday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spirit led praying

We are in a spiritual battle.

The enemy doesn't fight fair.

As a result of this - we as followers of Christ need to use everything at our disposal to overcome Satan and his demons, including prayer.

But, and if I can say this without being misunderstood, many times "prayer" is not enough.  We need to pray, but we need to pray in the Spirit.

It is called, "Spirit led" praying.

We are to pray in the Spirit. 

What is praying in the Spirit?  It is allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray.

It is using the spiritual language that God gives you to pray when natural words will simply not come. 

The Bible tells us in Romans 8:26,27, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's Will."

Those verses tell us that the Holy Spirit knows our weaknesses. 

I have taught many times that the enemy studies you and I.  He goes for the jugular when he can.  He knows our weaknesses. 

But the Holy Spirit studies us as well.  He knows our strengths and weaknesses as well.

We can't fool God.

He knows that "we do not know what we should pray for."

He know we don't know how to pray, so he sends the Spirit to lead us!

He prays for us "with groanings which cannot be uttered."

Many times I just don't know what to pray.  So I will pray in the Spirit.  And when God's spirit is speaking with God Himself my prayer will naturally be answered. 

Here's what I leave you with.  Prayer, Spirit-led praying, doesn't start with me but with God.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Taking it to the Lord in prayer

I have found that there are three types of people in the kingdom of God when it comes to prayer.

There are those who bring nothing to God in prayer.

They have a Messianic complex that "if it is to be - it is up to me."

Nothing could be further from the truth.  To believe this means that person believes that they can handle everything without God.  They can do everything themselves; they are independent.

They just go on with their life trying to make their own breaks.

Then there are those who bring some things to God in prayer.

I would say 90 percent of us fall into this category as followers of Christ.  We bring some things to God in prayer.  We certainly don't bother with everything.  Just the issues that seem to put stress on us.

Again, even as Christians we can think that we can handle stuff on our own.  And then if it becomes too heavy - we take it to God in prayer.  We dont' turn it over to God until it becomes too heavy.

Finally, there are those who take everything to God in prayer.

Here's a great axiom to follow on this:

If it is worth panicking about - it is worth praying about.

God is concerned about every area of our lives. 

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

The Valentine's Day banquet last Saturday evening was one of the best church events I have ever been too, which is saying a lot, I know.

Great time of relationship.  Good food.  Fun!

Congratulations to Mike and Chris Chapan for winning the Newlywed Game!

We all renewed our vows, expressing our love to our spouse.

As Scott and Darnisha spoke, I could sense the presence of the Lord.  And then as she lead us in, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," my heart was touched.

Powerful stuff.

Incredible story of how Darnisha actually died in a diving accident - and was brought back to life.  In the interim she had an experince of standing at the gates of heaven.

There is an afterlife!

We will live for eternity!

Met several new families this past Saturday at Upward Basketball!

That is always fun for me.

I read where Pope Benedict XVI is resigning.  I sent my resume in today.  :)

Loved our worship time this past Sunday. 

Three words come to mind.

Flow.  It is powerful to experince the flow of the Holy Spirit.

Freedom.  Where the spirit of the Lord is - there is freedom! 

Authority.  As you and I are lead in worship by someone walking in spiritual authority - that allows us to walk in authority as well.

Looking forward to our "younger couples" potluck this coming Saturday evening, February 16th, at 5:00 P.M.!

My prayer is that this year continues to be a season of renewal and revival!

Love you all......

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Alive or dead

Back in the days of all of the westerns on television, you would frequently find the sheriff of a town saying, "go get the bad guy, "dead or alive".

That's was good maybe for catching the ones stealing cows or robbing banks in the old west, but not really good theology for those who are followers of Christ.

God's desire is that you be alive in the faith - and not dead. 

His desire is to "catch you alive" - especially on Sunday mornings as you worship.

Are you alive or dead on Sunday mornings?

Years ago, a minster made an unfortunate mistake as he conducted a funeral.  Before him in a open casket lay the remains of the departed brother.  Motioning toward the deceased and speaking in somber tones the preacher said, "This corpse has been a member of my church for ten years."

Are you alive or dead on Sunday mornings?

What if God walked away from our worship experience, totally grading us on how you personally worshipped Him?

Would He be pleased?  Or would He be saddened by the lack of spiritual vitality?

Sadly, the Church appears to be filled with spiritual corpses, or those how lack divine vitality. 

They may attend church, even occasionally read their Bibles and pray, but they lack a real quality of spiritual life.

They are not too unlike those Christians pictured by a young girl who was trying to describe her pastor's sermon that morning to her parents, who had been unable to attend church that day.

"I really can't remember much that he preached," said the child, "but I think his text was, 'Many were cold and a few were frozen.'"

At Stone Church, we desire a season of renewal and revival!

We desire God to move in our midst!

And praise God, a thaw is coming for those who learn to pray with spiritual energy and vitality in the name of Jesus.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:45 that Jesus is a "life-giving spirit".  Great verse.

In other words, all of the divine energy that flows from God is available in Jesus' name, and God never, ever "slumbers or sleeps" (Psalms 1`21:4). 

Jesus is a quickening spirit - a revitalizing, breath-of-life giving "resuscitator" of weary people. 

When your spiritual breath rate seems too heavy and the pace impossible, it is probably a sign that you are only functioning on your own strength.

You need to once again be filled with the "breath" of God.

My prayer is that the spirit of God breathe upon you today - and that you come Sunday morning pumped and ready to receive from God.

Just a thought for a Thursday.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Setting the mind

The mind.

Sounds ominous doesn't it.

The mind.

Sounds like a title to a Stephen King novel.  "The Mind".

The Bible says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he."  Proverbs 23:7

Paul writes in Romans 12:2 to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds".

Another translation says it this way (NLT):  "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."

God's desire is that your mind (your thought life) works for you everyday and not against you.

God's desire is that we learn to set our minds to godliness, purity and wholesomeness.

From experience, that is "easier said than done."

How can I stop thinking wrong thoughts?

Here is what I know:  it is not by trying harder to not think negative, wrong thoughts that I begin to think positive, right thoughts.

It is by thinking about something else.

Something that is godly.  Something that is pure.  Something that is positive.

You and I can choose what we pay attention to.

At any moment, including this one right now - you and I can turn our thoughts in one direction or another.  It is within our capacity to set our minds - which explains why two people can be in the same set of circumstances and yet have completely different experiences.

What is the difference?  It is a way of thinking. 

John Milton wrote, "The  mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven or hell, a hell of heaven."

John Ortberg writes, "setting your mind is like setting a thermostat.  It is creating a target for the climate.  Once you set a thermostat, the heating and air-conditioning will have to adjust in relation to the weather.  It is a constant process, but the goal is for the system to create a life-giving climate.  So too it is with our minds.  Many people try to tell themselves to stop thinking negative thoughts - which immediately brings to mind the very thoughts they re supposed to stop thinking."

Paul writes that we are to, "set our mind on things above, not on earthly things."  Colossians 3:2.

So then, my suggestion?  When negative, ungodly thoughts fill your mind today - don't float away in denying those thoughts or try to achieve a state of "mindlessness" but fill your mind with life giving thoughts, specifically the word of God."

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Living your wounds through

There are times when I come across a thought so profound, so "deep" that I have to sit back and take a few moments (even days) to think it through.

Let me give you one from Henri Nouwen (that I read today).

Henri Nouwen writes about the fact that we have all been wounded in many ways.

That is a fact.

It is a given.

You and I will be hurt in life.

Henri Nouwen writes, "the more you open yourself to being healed, the more you will discover how deep your wounds are.  You will be tempted to become discouraged because under every wound you uncover you will find others.  Your search for true healing will be a suffering search.  Many tears still need to be shed."

He goes on to write, "do not be afraid.  The simple fact that you are more aware of your wounds shows that you have sufficient strength to face them."

And then the sentence that causes pause, "the great challenge is living your wounds through instead of thinking them through."

Not running from the pain, not trying to understand the pain, but truly embracing and living through the pain.

I quote again, "It is better to cry than to worry, better to feel your wounds deeply than to understand them, better to let them enter into your silence than to talk about them.  The choice you face constantly is whether you are taking your hurts to your head or to your heart."

Nouwen suggests that true healing, healing that brings wholeness comes from taking the pain from your head to your heart.

You and I are tempted to analyze our hurt, find the causes and the consequences and coin words to speak and write about them.

But true healing comes from letting the wounds go down into our hearts.

As you experience the pain in your heart (soul, emotions) you and I begin got discover that we are going to make it - that we will not be destroyed.  That with Jesus in us, we are greater than our wounds.

That means I practically let go of the "Who, What, When, Where and Why".

Now then, I would suggest that you take the above thoughts and let them seep into your spirit.

And experience, truly experience what you are walking through - rather than running away from it.

In the end - you will be stronger for it.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

Monday, February 04, 2013

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:

The final Super Bowl game score shows that I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet.

I picked San Francisco to win and win big.

Great game though.

After the second half opening kickoff, I turned to another channel, turned back to the game to find out about the lights going off and the delay, turned to another channel, and then back just in time to see San Francisco make a comeback.

My opinion?  It was pass interference - the last offensive play that San Francisco had.

The Super Bowl has turned into a national holiday.

I understand that San Francisco's quarterback is a Christian.

Thanks to the RFKC team for giving such a great presentation yesterday!  What a wonderful ministry to foster children!

Had dinner with Becky, our daughter in Wicker Park at a Polish restaurant.

Two older polish ladies in the kitchen cooking.  Authentic.  Delicious.  Friendly.

For those of you who have been asking God for snow - you're prayers have been answered.

At the youth super bowl party last night, they had a great crowd and a great time!

Thankful to all of our youth leaders who are "stepping it up" to help out.

Our district youth director, Paul Hinzman, will be with us this Thursday evening, February 7th, to speak.  We encourage all of our Stone Church teenagers to not only come but also to bring someone with you.

Hard to believe it is February, much less February, 2013.

Let's keep pressing in and asking God for even more of His presence.  Renewal and Revival.

We need you Lord!

We need your wisdom!

We need your presence!