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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Radioactive relationships

I picked up a book by Craig Croeschel this week entitled, "Soul Detox".  The basic theme is "living clean in a contaminated world."

Great stuff.

I thought that as I read chapter 11 this week, I might blog about what he writes. (in a summary kind of way using my own words).

Everyone has a toxic relationship in their lives.

It might be an in-law.  A cousin.  A boss.  A co-worker.  Someone in the church.  A neighbor.

You can't get away from them in the sense that you are continually positioned with special events, day to day activities or the very nature of going to the same church, or having your child on the same sports team, etc.

Every family possesses at least one off-the-charts challenging person.  Craig writes, "If you're tempted to tell me that yours doesn't then I hate to be the one to break it to you, but maybe YOU are the one!"

We all have people around us who add life to our day or they take away life.  They can be loving and inspiring or they can be life-draining, hateful and depressing.

Who is that for you?

Instead of making your feel better, this person always picks you apart, finds fault in almost everything you do and generally is a drag on  your life in that they make you feel really crummy about yourself and life in general.

They are negative, critical and belittling.

In short, they are toxic.  Every time you see them, your inner spirit groans.

Craig writes that there are three common types of toxic people. 

- Chronic critics.  These are the people who can find fault in everything.  Everything.

It's too hot or too cold, too rainy or too dry; the weather's always bad.  Craig writes, "they pick at you like a scab, and nothing you do is right."

- Controllers.

"Controllers are overbearing, forcing their way and opinions upon you regardless of your will.

Controllers may have good intentions, but their darts are poisonous.

- Tempters.

"This type encourages you to do things that you know you shouldn't and may not normally even want to."

The "friend" who tempts and even pushes you to do something that you know will be destructive to you Christian walk.

Tomorrow we will look at some solutions on how to deal with these types of folks.

Talk to you tomorrow.......

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