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Wednesday, June 20, 2012


When it comes to the Christian word "blessing" all kinds of definitions fly off the map.

For some it means something material.  "God, you have blessed us with a brand new ________ (and  you fill in the blank).

For others, it means the solution to a problem.  "Lord, we didn't know what to do, but in looking back, we see that you have blessed us with your guidance."

For others still, it means health in the place of a sickness.  "I am blessed that God has healed me."

All of these are wonderful - but temporary.

I would suggest that there is a deeper meaning to the word "blessing".

Sometimes we equate the word blessing with "happiness".

Happiness comes from the root word "happenings" - or an emotion of joy based upon the happenings in my life.

If life is good - I am blessed.

If life is difficult - I am not blessed.

Let me tell you what biblical blessing is not:

A true biblical blessing is not an offer of cotton candy happiness.

Cotton candy is really, really sweet - but doesn't last.

When you put it in your mouth, it melts soon after.

It is a short term experience of contentment.

This life offers nothing but cotton candy blessings.  It is tremendously sweet at times, but we can never expect it to last long.

Blessing in the biblical sense has to do with the spiritual and emotional resources that are deposited (by the Holy Spirit, a reading of God's Word, and spending time in conversation with God) on the inside that can override circumstances on the outside.

What happens if I don't get that material thing?

What happens if I am floundering in trying to find God's direction for my life?

What happens if I remain sick?

No matter what happens to me it is what happens in me that counts.

And when I grow, when I draw closer to God, when my faith increases (no matter what the situation is) - now that is a blessing.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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