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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Expecting the best

One of the results of our fallen nature is that we constantly expect the worst out of people instead of the best.

Yet Christian love says that I will always think the best of you and not the worst.

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 13:7, "If you love someone you will always believe in him (her), and always expect the best of him (her)."

Here's what I want to share with you today:  We tend to live up to what other people expect of us.

For example, dad, if you say to your kids, "you are dumb; you're stupid," the will almost always live up to your expectations of them.

Or ladies, if you say to your husband, "you are lazy, no-good," do you really think that is going to give them the motivation to get off of the couch?

Here's what I know:  Labeling only reinforces the negative.

Labeling never changes anybody.  Nagging doesn't work.

We are to speak positively to people.

If you want to change yourself, your family, your spouse, treat them the way you want them to become.

Expect the best of them.

Raise the level of expectation watch the people around you reach their potential under your affirmations and encouragements.

Treat them the way you want them to become.

I have a husband or wife share with me, "I'd like to rebuild my relationship with my spouse, but my marriage is dead.  We are in the same house, but there's no feeling there.  We haven't had romance in years.  It is dead.  There are no feelings left.  No love.  I just don't love my spouse anymore."

What do you do?  End your marriage?  No.

You pray for a resurrection. 

You treat them as you would like them to become.

And you love them now.  Don't wait.  Love them today.

Just some thoughts for a Tuesday.

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